
Libelle SystemCopy (LSC) automates and accelerates homogeneous system copies for SAP systems. The solution comes with nearly 500 pre-configured tasks covering all steps required for a typical refresh. A powerful, yet simple and easy-to-use orchestration and automation engine drives the process of building, configuring, and cascading templates across your SAP landscape. .

Run LSC on AWS

The LSC base software is available as a pre-build image delivered via an AMI available on the AWS Market Place. You can license LSC either via a Bring your Own License (BYOL) Model, or you can acquire Refresh as a Service (RaaS) via the AWS Market Place. Either way, the LSC software runs under full control of the customer. All operations and executions are contained inside the customer VPC with no outside connection required. Additional worker agents are installed on other systems in the VPC as required. After configuring SAP and DB connections, a workflow editor provides a standard refresh template for the specific environment and refresh steps are adjusted or expanded needed. After the template is activated, refresh execution is conveniently monitored through a Management Console.

Refresh Workflow

Existing QAS Systems are refreshed by exporting configuration settings across around 50 T-Codes, followed by a full database copy, and an import in the last step. After that final steps such as BDLS or data masking are executed. The complete process is fully automated.

LSC Orchestration Engine

The heart of LSC lies within its powerful Orchestrator. An LSC Master Server is deployed on an EC2 instance. This instance holds all configuration and refresh templates. The Master Server controls one or multiple worker agents deployed across the SAP landscape on any system where refresh tasks need to be executed. The following task types are available and extensively used by the included Libelle Task Repository:

  • SAP table exports, deletes, and imports via built-in LSC Connector for SAP Systems triggering standard R3Trans programs.
  • Executing SQL on the database via built-in LSC database connectors for SAP HANADB, SAP ASE, SAP MaxDB, Oracle, DB2, MSSQL Server
  • Executing Shell Scripts with the built-in LSC Shell Script Executor supporting all and any shells including BASH, Libelle Shell, PowerShell, and in turn can any Python, AWS CLI, or other CLI's.
  • Run ABAP programs, SAP function modules or executables, or available SAP Task Lists via built-in LSC Connector for SAP Systems
  • Workflow management tasks including interactive break points, query administrator for parameters upon execution, e-mail notification tasks, and synchronization tasks when refreshing multiple systems

LSC Screenshots

Refresh Repository

LSC comes pre-installed with nearly 500 tasks and can easily provide a fully automated refresh process. The majority of automating time-intensive tasks is covered by exporting ad managing 50+ T-Codes with configuration data in the pre-processing phase which are subsequently imported in post-processing as highlighted in the T-code overview below.

Pre-configured LSC repository tasks for the Refresh Copy Phase include an automatically provisioned database copy as standard backup/ restore or point-in-time recovery. This is achieved via automating the backup from Production and restore on QAS, restore-only from a provided backup, or fully integrated Database Snapshots triggering Amazon EBS Snapshots to S3 and initialize/ mount the same to the QAS Instance.

Other pre-configured LSC repository tasks included the SAP start/ stop sequences, highly accelerated BDLS execution, TemSe, managing Transport Deltas, JAVA export/import, sending SAP messages to users, background screen retention, development refresh tasks, CRM middleware tasks, RSA admin table tasks, SOA manager tasks, and tasks for managing client-dependent versus client-independent tables.

AWS Deployment and Operations Guide

Please review our Libelle SystemCopy (LSC) AWS Deployment and Operations Guide. The guide lays out in detail the most important technical information in order to install, configure, and operate LSC on AWS.